Friday 18 March 2016

Spring has Sprung

I have been here since September and it has been a long and winding winter(rain,snow) you name it. Now I can slowly take off a layer at a time and prepare for the spring and summer days ahead. I think when the sun is out and bright people tend to me more friendly and smiles all around. Nothing can beat a perky spirit and positive attitude. The wet and cold weather makes you want to stay in all day and not be out exploring and being adventurous. Now it is time to stock up on the beers and ciders, ice lollies and enjoy the bright days ahead. The shops are filled now with flowers of different colours so you can enjoy preparing the garden or hanging baskets. So be thankful always for the seasons they all serve their purpose.

“Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.” –Jessica Harrelson

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