Saturday 26 March 2016

Beach day (well sort of)

"Love your only have one life"

Well the sun was out today and I decided a beach walk would be so nice and refreshing. Ishøj beach it was. The dogs were the only one up for a swim, it was good to see people out and about wrapped up walking and some running enjoying the beautiful day. These people here in Copenhagen are into fitness and they are always on the go. I thought beach, sun,warmth, jerk chicken mimosas but for a quick second I remember this is not Jamaica but Copenhagen...reality check much. Spring has just sprung so no need to rush and get ahead of myself, take it day by day.  I think in the coming months with some cleaning up it will be a proper beach and hopefully the sun will have some warmth in it. I can visualise it already laying on the beach soaking up the sun and chill.

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