Monday 7 December 2015

Remario Christmas Party

 A look all around now and all you can see are preparations for the festive season. I was not really into the mood for all the festivities this year-missing family and home especially this time of the year. However after being in the kindergarden party and seeing the little ones enjoy themselves they surely have gotten me in the festive mood. It was so good to be around the kids dancing and singing and having a good time. I got an unexpected gift that Remario made for me and this I will cherish forever. It is the thought that counts and I am in love with my jewellery box. Only now for Rudy to top it up thinking Pandora or Tiffany & Co haha.
 It is now a break for Rudy for the season so we fly to England to close that chapter of our lives and get some things sorted and under control. It will be good to see family and friends and Remario will be back in his land of birth. I am also craving a cheeky Nando as well cannot wait to see what is in store for our journey ahead.

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