Wednesday 9 December 2015

Off We Go

So so thankful we have reached our destination in good spirits. With missing planes and different events going off these days when you leave Point A and reach Point B safe it is a lot to be grateful for. It was the first time flying with Remario since he now has his own seat. It was a rather short flight but I was ready for him to be entertained. I downloaded his favourite movie HOME I think he is in love with Rihanna's voice and the music and the funny looking creatures. Whenever he watches this movie you can hear him burst out some big laughs at times I have to really observe him. Can you believe he fell asleep 45 minutes before we boarded the plane. Why not save the sleep for the journey I thought. He woke up before we boarded and was excited to be buckled in his own seat and get on with his journey. I thought this could be very interesting to see if he sits still the entire trip. In all honesty he did fair enough even though he kept opening his seat belt,standing and playing peek a boos with the lady behind us.
Joe &The Juice is quite popular here so while we checked in was a good opportunity to get our taste buds going. The smoothie went down very well with avocado chicken sandwich. Copenhagen airport is like a shopping mall with so much to make the most of while you wait for flights whether shopping or a variety of the different food spots.

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