Tuesday, 3 November 2015


      Oh how things change in a matter of time (time is indeed the master as I listened to Luciano in one of his songs). It is amazing to see how the leaves change over a few days. I have seen this happen right before my eyes with daily observations.  I love when the leaves change from lovely green to orange and yellow showing just how awesome God is and in total control. This week it has been raining a lot with temperature of 7-12 degrees,autumn will not be sticking around for too long. As an island girl that is very cold, Jamaica has 30-33 degrees all year so you can just imagine adjusting to these temperatures. It has already gone dark from 5pm so you know winter is just around the corner. When you talk to family and friends back home their constant cries are it too hot or no rain . I can only imagine how Danes would be if they had all year tropical weather. They are already such happy and warm-hearted people.
     Sometimes the sacrifices that one makes away from family and friends are extremely hard but you are where you are destined to be. It is in times like these I am so appreciative of technology,it has changed so much which facilitates easier communication methods.  It is certainly not like the days of sending a telegram,or posting a letter or even going to the phone booth. Now you have an endless list,Skype,Whatsapp and Facebook just to name a few. I really took the time out this week to reflect on life and develop an attitude of gratitude. I am grateful for my struggles, mistakes, highs, lows but mostly for the gift of life. I am reminding myself to not sweat the small stuff because they are in fact small stuff.

 “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” ~ Albert Einstein

How beautiful the leaves grow old. How full of light and colour are their last days.John Burroughs

"Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day." - Shira Tamir

I hope I can be the Autumn leaf, who looked at the sky and lived. And when it was time to leave, gracefully it knew life was a gift. — Dodinsky
As you start a new month, new week, new day be thankful for health and strength,family,all that you have and hope to have but most of all be appreciative how blessed you are to be alive. And if you can help someone as you go along then your living shall not be in vain. Until next time live good and love God.

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