Monday 26 October 2015

Rudy's kitchen fiasco

"Never be afraid to try something new because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know"

Rudy was home a few days and being bored he decided he wanted to handle the kitchen affairs for a couple days. I was like why not this could be my break from it. Well to be honest it was better I was cooking since the questions he asked were overwhelming; where is this? where is that? how much of this etc.
I took the train in search of some Caribbean produce. I found an Asian shop they tend to normally sell everything as I needed few bits that reminded me of home. I got a few items not everything I set out to get but it would have to work. I know Remario loves his porridge especially cormeal, so I was delighted when I found a bag it ended up being wrong something called semolina. Only after I looked on the package home I remembered cormeal is "Polenta: That turned out to be a disaster. So after all this I was ready to just have someone prepare meals for me.

Total Concentration
Ready for the oven

Finished Product

I think most Jamaicans love patties and because none was in close proximity we decided to make our own.Thanks to Google and Youtube for the recipe and guidelines, it could have almost been perfect non the less they turned out to be quite edible. I definitely will not be giving up my "Jucci Patties" anytime soon though but fair effort Rudy. This all came from the girl who ate two.

60 kroner £6 for tin ackee!!!!
Ackee Pasta!!

Ackee with bacon!!

He suggested one day ackee and pasta, I was like you have got to be kidding me and he reminded me we had it before by a friend in the UK. Normally it would be ackee and saltfish which is Jamaica's national dish but I did not find any "salt fish" so a substitute of bacon worked just fine. In all honesty it was a lovely meal something different in a good way. It is safe to say that I survived Rudy's time in the kitchen and now a deal of him cooking two to three times weekly is on the table.

Until next time live,love and laugh xx

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