Tuesday 20 October 2015

Getting into the bicycle culture

Its been years since I have been on a bicycle.The thought alone was frightening as I could hear my mother saying "mine you drop off Caro". Thank you so much Free for the bicycle, I am now ready to explore and be adventurous. It has been a cold,rainy and windy week here so the thought of going for a ride was mind blowing. Riding in the wind and rain was something that I would have to get use to. Upon my observations the weather does not seem to affect Danes here as they always seem pretty well relaxed on their bikes. Instead of complaining about the weather it is better to be prepared for all seasons as it is so unpredictable. All four seasons can happen in a day even before lunch time.

Owning a car in Denmark is like a owning a luxury item. A new car triggers a 180% sales tax. Yes I keep saying it is an EXPENSIVE place to live. The bicycle culture here is something that everyone is accustomed to old,young and in between. Going grocery shopping, to work or school you normally see people on their bikes. Their are actually bicycle lanes here which are different from pedestrians. Recently I walked to the supermarket and the dominoes delivery bike was blowing me out the road. Really I thought to myself look at all the space and you beeping me,only to my realisation that I was strutting in his lane. Pedestrians lanes are clearly different from bicycles lanes that I now know. I was shocked especially being told you could get fined for not following the bicycle rules. Just the way car have rules and getting a fine it is the same for people riding a bicycle as well. So following the right rules for example using hand signals could save you up to 700DKK or running the red light which comes with a price tag of 1000 DKK. I stood in my flat recently and saw a mom with her son on a bicycle just got back from shopping with a cot mattress on their bike. How they fit so much things and make it work is something that I will have to challenge myself in getting used to.

                                                     Some benefits of using a bicycle:
                                                     Faster than walking
                                                     Much cheaper-no need for gas,insurance etc
                                                     Form of keeping healthy
                                                     Gets you out of traffic jam
                                                     No parking problems or hassle
                                                     Does not pollute the environment

Even though I have not been on a bicycle in years it all came back to me after some minutes. Also it took a while to get used to the coaster brakes as oppose to the hand held ones. After doing some riding and a bit exploring I now have a punctured wheel so until it gets sorted I have been going for a little run to substitute...I am really missing the bicycle. I am rather excited to ditch the pump and tone my rump as I saw on a quote which made me chuckle.
Until next time be blessed xx

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