Tuesday 13 October 2015

Derby game Brøndby vs FC Copenhagen

This would have been Rudy's first home game appearance and our first derby game. Nervous and excitement filled the house leading up to the game. I was intrigued to be around what I was told were the best supporters in the world. Typical derby games like this started early so as to avoid clashes and confrontations. Both teams were in close proximity so the modes of transportation would be more or less the same.

Are you not ready yet?

Let's just go now please !!!!
Remario gives you not a second to get yourself together once he is sorted. He wants to beat you to the door and get on with it. You would believe he is in the starting line up and the game cannot go on without him.I find it difficult going to watch football with him as he has too much energy and he wont be still, he just wants a mini show for himself. His facial expressions and smiles told me that he like the environs. With his smiles and the peek-a-boos he quickly won over his small audience.We ended up watching 45 mins of the game from outside and the other 45 mins inside where he could run around to let out some steam.

The colourful, buzzing and amazing fans really turned out for what was a great day of football.The sun was out, which made ​​it much more tolerable to sit and enjoy the many talents. As we made ​​our way to find the seats flag waving, singing, chants,shouting, a mini show was put on which send a feeling of electric shock throughout the stadium.The powerful performance left the audience electrified. The stage was set so it was all hopes that Brøndby would be victorious. The atmosphere in the stadium was fantastic nothing like I have experienced before. Danes do know how to good time. Some smoked(yes they smoke in the stadium),some drank while others eyes were fixed on the pitch.

Team Brøndby won 1-0 and Rudy walked away with man of the match. Remario and I could not have been more proud. I just want to wish him and the team all the best for the remaining of the season.Win, lose or draw stick together as a team.
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." Henry Ford
There goes my diet with all those chocolate and wine:)