Tuesday 6 October 2015

New to Copenhagen,Denmark

"Be grateful for all the obstacles in your life. They have strenghted you as continue with your journey."

The journey here to Copenhagen has been a very long one. This involved the air mileages from Jamaica to Mexico to London then our final destination Copenhagen,Denmark. In spite of all the obstacles and unfortunate chain of events we are here and settling into the Scandinavian lifestyle. You may not end up where you thought you were going,but will end up where you are meant to be or more so where God wants you to be. 


The thought of having someone to clean daily sounded so deserving. But after a couple of days I realised that with a busy body toddler, life in a hotel room was not going to be an easy task and fun as I hoped. His morning porridges and warm meals were non existent and he started to behave strange. After three days the menu was starting to get to me and then the take outs and junk food lead up to an unhealthy eating pattern. This had to stop soon rather than later.It was 'MISSION FIND AN APARTMENT". Here ended up being our home for two weeks.

A stroll with this little man was all he wanted to be his old self. The space to run around seeing people and his beloved cars made him so happy. This started to be our daily routine going outside for 30-45 minutes daily so he could just be himself and be free. He was amused by it all and he ran with the wind. It was refreshing for me as well...my daily routine was counting the planes as I see them in the air we were close by the airport so don't think I am crazy,or see the trains and car go by.

In my head was go look on the apartment,like it sign for it, move in get the ball rolling. Apartment or house hunting here in Copenhagen is nothing like I have ever heard of or seen before.The queue to view let alone sign up was shocking. Every month almost 2000 people move to the city and like 300 available places so you do the math. This flat was new and will be ready in two month she said, I said you mean two days or two weeks....no TWO MONTHS. That could not work as I wanted to be out the hotel ASAP. Two days later at another viewing brought me back to a familiar situation ready in two months. We ventured outside the city and found an empty flat, I said we will move in right away even before seeing inside with the hope that inside was as lovely as outside. It did not disappoint so right away a big YES will take it. IKEA was my best friend for the next couple hours in trying to get and unfurnished flat sorted.
Most times in life things don't go as planned and our timing is not God's timing, as a friend said every delay or disappointment is for a good cause.With that said each setbacks and difficulties should make us stronger and experience teaches wisdom. Taking on a new challenge or task is not easy but with a fast changing global world you just have to make the most of each opportunity.
Danes are in fact one of the happiest sets of people in the world. From that to having a bicycle culture, being also one of the most expensive country to trying out new food makes me rather excited to take on this journey.
I am no William Shakespeare, but since my toddler is not so clingy I have got some time so why not try this writing process and see what new adventure or experience awaits.
Hope you will enjoy my journey:)


  1. Bless up my beautiful friend Carolyn, I wish you and the family continued happiness and blessings. Keep on writing, use your experiences to encourage, motive and empower. You are the epitome of a woman who wears many hats of mother, wife, sister, daughter and friend. There are many more too numerous to mention. Continue to grow and blossom from strength to strength. Love you my forever friend! Monique.

  2. THANKS hun for support and encouragement xx
