Sunday, 1 May 2016

Sunday Stroll

                  "Once we accept our limits,we move beyond them"-Albert Einstein

 Hey guys its been a while since we last catch up. Anyway today the weather is lovely and you can see the bright colours starting to make their appearance. After all the rain and still being very cold it is nice to have a day of lovely sunshine. Remario and I went for a little stroll and it gives us something to do while we are on our own and also since he has been up ages the fresh air is good, than been cloaked up in the apartment. Now he is fast asleep while I try to do this post and get dinner started before he is up again being a energetic toddler.  I was doing some self reflection with each set I took and it made me realise that self acceptance and appreciation goes a long way. Often times we say life is too short and that we should live in the now things like that,but how many of us really do not sweat the small stuff. Time upon time we find ourselves comparing life to others, where we are in life, career goals and objectives the list goes on. Nobody is perfect and we may fall by the way side in trying to get to our goals-whether we run,walk or crawl to the finish line we just have to look at our mistakes and weakness as we grow stronger each day. Little progress is better than no progress so in time it will all come together. Be comfortable in your own skin,your own life and even though at times we are drained mentally,physically,spiritually,professionally,financially always know that you are stronger and smarter than you give yourself credit for. Realising our strengths and weaknesses is important and whether or not we get judged by others be happy in the things that you can do and the decisions you make. Live a life of happiness and stop for a minute to smell the roses and be grateful for what you have and who you have around you. LIVE<LOVE<LAUGH!!!

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Reinhold Niebuhr

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