Sunday 17 April 2016

Haircut Day

Previous trips to the barber with this little busy body boy has been a roller coaster ride with different outcomes. He would cry and scream and we had to hold him down just to get a decent haircut. When his dad attempted in the past to do it we had to find a barber to fix as patches were seen and he looked quite "strange". His dad kept on trying and even though these days it is still not a smooth ride they both have come a long way. With his snicker bar and his favourite cartoon (Curious George) ready to get a haircut. Remario behaved and sat still and was quite impressed with the end result. The next time I believe the barber will kick me out as I kept saying you ruined it. I had to apologise after I saw the finished results. Hair is truly one's beauty and different styles make you look different as well.

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