Sunday 5 June 2016

Beautiful day to be thankful

If you are reading this today and in your right frame of mind it is a lot to be thankful for. It had been a minute since I last shared updates. Sometime you have to take a break to find yourself again and start a fresh. The days here are extremely long and sunrise comes up about 4:30 am each morning as that is the time I am up thinking it is about 7am. The sunset also goes down around 10pm so not much darkness at all, the trick here for me is to use extremely dark curtains to try block out some of the light. Nevertheless it is always good to make adjustments and work along with the flow or what your situation brings. Today we went for a walk/ride to the supermarket to get some fresh pastries but only realised it was closed due to been a public holiday yes on a Sunday (Constitution Day- commemorates the anniversary of the signing of the Danish Constitution of 1849,which established Denmark as a constitutional monarchy,and honours the constitution of 1953 which was adopted on the same date). It is also Father's day here so a happy day to all dads and continue being good role model. I always admire the role dad play here you always see them outside playing or bonding with their child/children and spending quality time. I wish for you all a blessed and productive week. 

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